rx 480 bf1 Xp6n0Cpuw8Click to view on Bing22 4810 07 2016 Benching the NEW AMD RX 480 in on Battlefield 1 at 1080p Monitors 1440p ROG SWIFT PG278q and 1080p VG248QE Case Corsair Graphite 780t Motherboard Asus Rampage Edition 10 X99 CPU Intel 5930k Author K1ngHobzViews 139K rx 480 bf1 to view on Bing4 4317 10 2016 AMD and Nvidia mainstream gaming GPUs go head to head in Battlefield 1 with benchmarks here tested using both DX11 vs DX12 And yes Nvidia really is faster Author Digital FoundryViews 286K
userbenchmark PCGame FPS Estimates Battlefield 1 3664 This data is noisy because framerates depend on several factors No crystal balls here but these figures can be used as a guide e g 1080p do most GTX 750 Ti owners play BF1 on medium or high settings Average FPS 69 659 samples rx 480 bf1 tomshardware answers id 3398384 bf1 480 low fps htmlHi I recently bought an RX 480 4GB Overall I ve been extremely dissatisfied with the performance I ve been getting in BF1 I upgraded from and R9 270x and it was getting 60 fps at medium settings Re RX 480 bad performance in DX12 Battlefield 1 nibiru Oct 25 2016 11 14 AM in response to criskette Yea I have a MSI Rx 470 and while using DX12 in BF1 i also experience stutter and a performance decrease
recently got the Rx 480 red devil 8gb by power color and i bought battlefield 1 For some odd reason the performance is horrible my frames go from 60 rx 480 bf1 Re RX 480 bad performance in DX12 Battlefield 1 nibiru Oct 25 2016 11 14 AM in response to criskette Yea I have a MSI Rx 470 and while using DX12 in BF1 i also experience stutter and a performance decrease ve been holding off on buying the rx 480 until I ve seen some Battlefield 1 benchmarks as I play almost none AAA games but looking to get into BF1 If we see more 480s performing well in BF1
rx 480 bf1 Gallery
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