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RX 570 about 885h s and for RX 560 400h s Also have heard that RX 560 could reach 500h s easily by modding i did change the bios with straps and tried almost everything but almost no improvements at all Anyone to help here rx 570 xmr settings have any setting they can share I ve got 5 msi rx 470s Absolute best overclock and BIOS settings for Cryptonight Mining 1 killahash rx 580 ETN Monero do I need to say more Brandoncoin
gandalph3000 cast xmr cast xmr cryptonight miner for rx support for Radeon RX 470 RX 570 Polaris added forcecompute option to force kernel for compute mode on Polaris RX470 570 480 580 GPUs In the Radeon Settings rx 570 xmr settings Absolute best overclock and BIOS settings for Cryptonight Mining 1 killahash rx 580 ETN Monero do I need to say more Brandoncoin rx 550 4gb Here are the settings I am using for xmr stak amd for 2 XFX RX 550 4GB Note See update at bottom of post for 4 card configuration Note See update at bottom of post for 4 card configuration Number of GPUs that you have in your system
rx 570 xmr settings Gallery
y4fJEzU, image source: linustechtips.com
CNv7, image source: bitcointalk.org
ht1irCj, image source: forum.ethereum.org