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have read up and noticed that I should have a lot high Sol s with this card The RX 580 is GPU1 in the link I posted Hopefully this is the correct place to be posting this if not I am sorry sol/s rx 580 hwcompare 33940 geforce gtx 1060 vs radeon rx 580GeForce GTX 1060 vs Radeon RX 580 Intro The GeForce GTX 1060 features a GPU core clock speed of 1506 MHz and the 6144 MB of GDDR5 RAM runs at 2000 MHz through a 192 bit bus to profitability calculator RX 570 is better than RX 580 self NiceHash submitted 1 year ago is this true can someone explain Equihash 311 58 Sol s on RX 570 4GB Equihash 310 00 Sol s on RX 580 8GB Equihash 280 02 Sol s on RX 580 4GB im so confused that which card is better to buy Im also thinking to buy GTX 1060 too as
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