rx 460 hackintosh high sierra amd rx 4xx cards in 13 03 2017 AMD RX 460 cards or at least 2 3 brands work by simply using CPU integrated graphics mode The Gigabyte RX 460 no 6 pin power model and the Sasphire RX 460 are both reported to be working The Gigabyte RX 460 no 6 pin power model and the Sasphire RX 460 are both reported to rx 460 hackintosh high sierra 460 and high sierra where 07 12 2017 In High Sierra the card even shows up now under System Report in PCI info Whereas prior in Sierra it didn t PS I had a GTX 1070 in there but after the HS supplemental update I decided to keep the RX 460 in there instead since I don t wanna have to worry about swapping in and out GPU s every time there is an OS update or have to wait
fixing broken sleep high In High Sierra 10 13 2 a bug was introduced that caused sleep to no longer function on AMD Polaris graphic cards This guide will fix broken sleep for AMD RX 560 570 580 graphic cards in macOS for hackintosh users rx 460 hackintosh high sierra Yc31 08 2016 This is a Gigabyte RX 460 4 g model running on ultra settings without crashing After Beta 7 update the Gigabyte card came to life These models don t have the 6 pin power connector and run sapphire rx 560 30 09 2017 Hey I successfully installed High Sierra on my system But booting into desktop results in a black screen Sapphire RX 560 I put Lilu kext and Whatevergreen kext into the other kext folder of latest Chameleon but no luck
460 and high sierra where 27 09 2017 The Sapphire RX 460 4GB I am using has no problems in Sierra 10 12 6 in which it has the correct Device ID of 0x67ef and Rev ID of 0x00cf So not sure what is going on I ll try a fresh install of HS when the next beta appears on Monday hopefully rx 460 hackintosh high sierra sapphire rx 560 30 09 2017 Hey I successfully installed High Sierra on my system But booting into desktop results in a black screen Sapphire RX 560 I put Lilu kext and Whatevergreen kext into the other kext folder of latest Chameleon but no luck I ve installed High Sierra public beta 2 The Display turns off after some seconds Im able to boot only if I use the flag x that is safe
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500MB_100Iter_MX200, image source: www.hackintosh-forum.de