rx 480 4gb vs gtx 970 gpuerbenchmark Compare Nvidia GTX 970 vs AMD RX 480 2577vs3634The Nvidia GTX 970 is a game changer in terms of performance per watt and value for money The GTX 970 is based on Nvidia s ground breaking Maxwell architecture which delivers considerable clock for clock performance gains over Kepler its predecessor rx 480 4gb vs gtx 970 debate gpu index php gid 3489 gid2 2498 The GTX 970 has 0 4 GB sec greater memory bandwidth than the RX 480 which means that the memory performance of the GTX 970 is marginally better than the RX 480
tomshardware answers id 3106439 480 gtx 970 htmlEither is a good choice but for the price I would go with the RX 480 The RX 480 also comes with either 4gb or 8gb of VRAM so at higher resolutions it might be the better choice rx 480 4gb vs gtx 970 hwcompare 30946 geforce gtx 970 vs radeon rx 480 4gbGeForce GTX 970 vs Radeon RX 480 4GB Intro The GeForce GTX 970 uses a 28 nm design nVidia has clocked the core speed at 1050 MHz The GDDR5 RAM is set to run at a frequency of 1750 MHz on this particular model debate gpu index php gid 3575 gid2 2438 The RX 480 has 31 6 GB sec greater memory bandwidth than the GTX 970 which means that the memory performance of the RX 480 is noticeably better than the GTX 970
gpuboss gpus Radeon RX 480 vs GeForce GTX 970Radeon RX 480 vs GeForce GTX 970 Why is the comparison between a 8GB variation and 4GB variation I think this is what they are talking about The RX 480 stomps the GTX 70 and yet the 970 is declared the winner Winner Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 GPUBoss recommends the Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 based on its benchmarks Blasfemus Profanus rx 480 4gb vs gtx 970 debate gpu index php gid 3575 gid2 2438 The RX 480 has 31 6 GB sec greater memory bandwidth than the GTX 970 which means that the memory performance of the RX 480 is noticeably better than the GTX 970 gpuboss gpus Radeon RX 470 vs GeForce GTX 970rx 470 is better change because gtx 970 better than rx 470 12 but rx 470 hugely cheap and new technology Samuel 06 33 PM January 29 2017 The 970 performs better in games though it was more expensive than the rx 470
rx 480 4gb vs gtx 970 Gallery
maxresdefault, image source: www.youtube.com
_id1468917642_343178_16, image source: www.game-debate.com
amd rx 480 polaris 4, image source: www.roadtovr.com
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Performance and Efficiency Benchmarks, image source: wccftech.com
gtx 1060 bench mll 1440p, image source: www.gamersnexus.net
rx 470 mec 1440p, image source: www.gamersnexus.net
FarCry_02, image source: www.techspot.com
gtx 1060 bench blops 1080, image source: www.gamersnexus.net
c38511568251c7fdc43238fa407767a7 400 256, image source: gpuboss.com
gtx 770 mll 1080p, image source: forums.geforce.com
original, image source: linustechtips.com
Nvidia GeForce GT 840M GPU Z Info, image source: laptoping.com
gtx 1060 3gb teardown 1, image source: oloom.info
GTX1080King, image source: www.anandtech.com
for honor graphics settings, image source: www.gamersnexus.net
GECID_TEST_ru_3, image source: ru.gecid.com
yellow sign, image source: meristation.as.com