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Today i show you that the magic has happend The RX 470 4Gb version is capable of hitting 28 Mh s through a bios mod The video that has the msi gaming x rx 470 bios mod radeon rx 470 I copied everything in the original post on my MSI RX 470 X 4gb with hynix and it went from 20mh s stock to 23 5 m s with the bios mods and then after changing bios euMining bios mods with performance timings to boost your mining hashrate Tweaked version of Polaris Bios Editor with Pro pefromace timings Mining Bios Asus RX 470 Mining 4GB Samsung Performance timings 10 5 Add to cart Digital Download Mining Bios MSI Gaming X RX 570 4GB Elpida Hynix Samsung Performance timings 10 5
bios modI have MSI RX 470 Gaming X 4gb and modified the bios I got 24mh s from 20mh s I m using Win 10 Pro 64bit with Blockchain AMD Driver for Win 10 After playing w Msi Afterburner by lowering core 1150 memory clock 2100 I reach 29 7mh s using claymore miner for ETH D msi gaming x rx 470 bios mod bios euMining bios mods with performance timings to boost your mining hashrate Tweaked version of Polaris Bios Editor with Pro pefromace timings Mining Bios Asus RX 470 Mining 4GB Samsung Performance timings 10 5 Add to cart Digital Download Mining Bios MSI Gaming X RX 570 4GB Elpida Hynix Samsung Performance timings 10 5 en msi index php topic 282372 0Sometimes it takes some time longer until a vbios is available via Live Update or sometimes the software does not find it No there is no fixed schedule
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