rx 470 20 mh/s rx 470 hashrateRadeon rx 470 hashrate cviper Member Posts If 470 will hash at 20 21 as the link suggests why even bother with 470 Thinking of getting R9 380 instead or 480 indeed cscheat How many MH stock What miner stock will be around 24 after bump up the memory it will go 25 rx 470 20 mh/s 6x AMD RX 470 Pascal Coin Mining Rig 2 000 MH s I just built this rig yesterday just in time for the release of the nanopool mining pool for pascal coin as the price is going way up
guys i saw that many people had a bad time modding the bios for the new sapphire rx 470 mining dedicated gpus i managed to boost them from 21 MH to 28 2 MH s download polarisbioseditor v 1 6 rx 470 20 mh/s rx 470 82 6 mh s is Ethereum Community Forum Discussions Activity Is it 20 7 MH s per RX 470 just okay Here it is At the moment I m curious if 20 7 MH s per GPU without any changes is normal Or maybe I m not doing something right BTW how safe overclocking is Is that a way to burn GPU faster look msi rx 470 4 gbI plan to do a full write up in the coming days but initial findings confirm the RX 470 s will produce a solid 20 5 MH s per card when mining while only drawing around 120 watts each This works out to a ratio of 5 85 watt MH well inline with the expected 5 5 watt MH I mentioned earlier
MH s on a RX 470 4GB self EtherMining submitted 1 year ago by seangcxq I have over 20 MSI RX 470 4GB Multiple with Hyinx memory 1500 timings at 2000 MHz as this link suggests only reached 25 MH s Most cards didn t even stay stable for more than an hour rx 470 20 mh/s look msi rx 470 4 gbI plan to do a full write up in the coming days but initial findings confirm the RX 470 s will produce a solid 20 5 MH s per card when mining while only drawing around 120 watts each This works out to a ratio of 5 85 watt MH well inline with the expected 5 5 watt MH I mentioned earlier cryptos what is the ethereum eth Here is the hashrate that a MSI Radeon RX 470 video card with 4GB video memory running at 6 6 GHz 1650 MHz is capable of giving you when mining Ethereum ETH with the Claymore Dual Miner about 20 6 MH s
rx 470 20 mh/s Gallery
2017 03 11 20, image source: 1stminingrig.com
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