rx 470 mining Cards MINING RX470 4GASUS Mining RX 470 is the world s first graphics cards specifically built to serve the needs of the burgeoning global coin mining community with featuring low power high efficiency designs for maximum hash rate performance at minimum cost Support Specifications Gallery rx 470 mining blog tag rx 470 miningWhile mining Ethereum the RX 470 wanted to keep the fans in the 30 ies as percentage or about 1300 RPM and as a result the temperature spikes above 70 degrees Celsius so manually increasing the cooling temperature curve or setting a fixed higher percentage is a good idea to keep the GPU cooler while mining especially if you mine coins that use more GPU intensive algorithms unlike the one
to view on Bing3 0521 07 2017 Hey guys I came across this crazy card that is an RX 470 4g that is producing 57 Mh s mining eth Ethereum Make sure to subscribe to my channel there s Author TheBitcoinMinerViews 64K rx 470 mining mining rx 470 reviewThe RX 470 is a profitable GPU for Ethereum and Zcash mining especially when you tweak settings in the BIOS to overclock or underpower the card depending on what s best suited for your purposes The RX 480 is more profitable than its little brother but the RX 470 5 5Author Jacob Tech Quick Look SAPPHIRE On the reference RX 470 out of the box we hit rates of about 21 8 MH s while mining Ethereum Once we moved to the Sapphire mining card we move up to at least 24 MH s from the start
470 miningsomeone said 24mhs in another thread at default clocks idk about power consumption but since they re cheaper than 480s i might look for 470s over 480s rx 470 mining Tech Quick Look SAPPHIRE On the reference RX 470 out of the box we hit rates of about 21 8 MH s while mining Ethereum Once we moved to the Sapphire mining card we move up to at least 24 MH s from the start blog tag rx 470 hashrateWhile mining Ethereum the RX 470 wanted to keep the fans in the 30 ies as percentage or about 1300 RPM and as a result the temperature spikes above 70 degrees Celsius so manually increasing the cooling temperature curve or setting a fixed higher percentage is a good idea to keep the GPU cooler while mining especially if you mine coins that use more GPU intensive algorithms unlike the one
rx 470 mining Gallery
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