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blog 8033 testing the amd radeon rx 480 According to some reviwes the RX 480 takes well over 80 90 Watt out of the PCI E Slot MAX 75W with 100 GPU load Don t realy think it would be wise to use the card with risers in a mining rig mining with a rx 480 to view on Bing25 2407 10 2016 Ethereum mining RX 480 mining rig with 188mh s tutorial setup Follow meAuthor Mining HardwareViews 162K to view on Bing4 4205 09 2016 is an innovative blockchain mining project that can generate its own power using GREEN hybrid technologies The project makes it possible for individuals to take part in Author TheBitcoinMinerViews 172K
blog tag rx 480 hashrateThe new AMD Radeon RX 470 GPUs are supposed to start hitting the market in a few days and since their bigger brother the RX 480 has turned out to be a good choice for Ethereum mining although it did not perform that good in other algorithms people are interested in how well the RX 470 does We got a tip from a reader that apparently has an RX 470 8GB video card in his hands already and mining with a rx 480 to view on Bing4 4205 09 2016 is an innovative blockchain mining project that can generate its own power using GREEN hybrid technologies The project makes it possible for individuals to take part in Author TheBitcoinMinerViews 172K with the recent popularity of the rx 480 for etherium mining I figured why not give it a shot I m not looking to make big money right away
mining with a rx 480 Gallery
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