battlefield 5 rx 480 to view on Bing19 0230 06 2018 specs rx 480 i7 7700k 16gb ram This feature is not available right now Please try again later Author Jake MuellerViews 1 9K battlefield 5 rx 480 though Battlefield 5 is set during World War II you re going to need a much more modern computer to play it on Ultra High settings The recommended requirements are much more intense than the minimum specs You will need at least a Radeon Rx 480 or GeForce GTX 1060 to get above the GPU requirement While the
tomshardware answers id 3177763 battlefield radeon 480 htmlBattlefield 1 with Radeon RX 480 RUSTY 225 Sep 5 2016 5 51 PM I bought the Radeon RX 480 to play battlefield 1 on From what i have heard and have seen this graphics card is supposed to battlefield 5 rx 480 480 dominates gtx AMD s Radeon RX 480 is 30 faster than the GTX 1060 in DX12 on Battlefield 1 at the Ultra preset in 1080p when it comes to minimum FPS which is very important for first person shooters and for Re Extremely poor FPS in Battlefield 4 on RX 480 16 10 1 jakslap Oct 20 2016 8 01 PM in response to dansrage Could have been anything DICE s games are great but sometimes they are not reliable in terms of crashing and what not
radeon rx 480 polaris 10 Here though the RX 480 essentially ties the R9 290 which itself falls well short of the GeForce GTX 970 At least you re assured plenty fast frame rates at 1920x1080 using Ultra details battlefield 5 rx 480 Re Extremely poor FPS in Battlefield 4 on RX 480 16 10 1 jakslap Oct 20 2016 8 01 PM in response to dansrage Could have been anything DICE s games are great but sometimes they are not reliable in terms of crashing and what not userbenchmark PCGame FPS Estimates Battlefield 1 3664 UserBenchmark USA User CPU GPU SSD HDD RAM USB FPS Please vote and link to us COMPARE BUILD TEST TEST YOUR FPS ADD TO PC BUILD FPS Estimates BF1 Battlefield 1 RX 480 Battlefield 1 1 Choose Game Settings This data is noisy because framerates depend on several factors No crystal balls here but these figures can be used as a guide e g
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