rx 470 8gb vs gtx 1060 6gb Q PP61AUClick to view on Bing2 2821 12 2016 GTX 1060 VS RX 470 Temperature and noise at the end MSI 1060 6GB GAMING X MSI RX 480 8GB GAMING X MSI RX 470 8GB GAMING X GAMES benchmark DISHONORED 2 TITANFALL 2 INFINITE WARFARE Author CandyTechViews 64K rx 470 8gb vs gtx 1060 6gb tomshardware sapphire nitro 470 8gb gtx 1060 6gb htmlPersonally I think you made a mistake The GTX 1060 is for the most part faster than an RX 480 and 2GB of VRAM isn t going to make any difference
tomshardware answers id 3184793 470 4gb gtx 1060 6gb htmlI would get the 1060 6gb over the RX 470 the 1060 has a decent lead over the 470 in nearly all games If you ve got the money for a 1060 though you could considering the RX 480 8gb as an alternative rx 470 8gb vs gtx 1060 6gb to view on Bing2 3204 12 2016 Buy PC Games with up to 70 discount gaming igr sk shipping only Author SkuezTechViews 24K debate gpu index php gid 3598 gid2 3540 The RX 470 was released less than a year after the GeForce GTX 1060 and so they are likely to have similar driver support for optimizing performance when running the latest games
gpuboss gpus Radeon RX 470 vs GeForce GTX 1060Radeon RX 470 vs GeForce GTX 1060 Use an Rx470 Aftermarket with 8GB Vram which is still cheaper than the fucking 6gbvram 1060 aftermarket Milind Gavkar 02 14 PM January 2 2017 rx 470 4GB vs 1060 6GB not true tuan 07 10 PM October 20 2016 buy one and say to we rx 470 8gb vs gtx 1060 6gb debate gpu index php gid 3598 gid2 3540 The RX 470 was released less than a year after the GeForce GTX 1060 and so they are likely to have similar driver support for optimizing performance when running the latest games depends where you live 470 4gb and 1060 3gb same price here and 480 8gb and 1060 6gb same price The 470 8gb and 480 4gb are falling roughly in between permalink
rx 470 8gb vs gtx 1060 6gb Gallery
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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 vs Radeon RX 480 performance 1, image source: www.overclockingmadeinfrance.com
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Far Cry Primal, image source: notebookspec.com
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mqdefault, image source: speedwealthy.com
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44127_velka, image source: pctuning.tyden.cz
GECID_TEST_ru_3, image source: ru.gecid.com
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