i5 3470 i gtx 1060 DiSicHC8Click to view on Bing15 3214 11 2018 Hitman 2 i5 3470 GTX 1060 6Gb G1 Gaming Zalman Z11 Black w o PSU ASUS P8Z68 V LXAuthor Demokrat PlayViews 29 i5 3470 i gtx 1060 tomshardware answers id 3473097 core 3470 gtx 1060 htmlhello i have core i5 3470 is that ok to upgrade gtx 1060 bottleneck ore something gonna happen
will my i5 3470 25 07 2016 Hello guys Im thinking of upgrading my poor old 660ti with a 1060 Also a little more info on my CPU here On most games I searched my CPU isnt really a bottleneck as far as I know Even The Division and The Rise of the Tomb Raider plays nice Except GTA V which is a i5 3470 i gtx 1060 gtx 1060 for i5 3470Hello everyone I have been thinking of changing my GPU from gtx 960 Gigabyte 4 GB to Gtx 1060 6 gb The problem is that i have got a middle level CPU I5 3470 Would it be a balanced setup Ive seen some tests but im still not sure if this is a good idea P S My specs except GPU and CPU 8 g PC I3 I5 3470 SSD GTX 1060 AMD RYZEN Terms Conditions 1 What is Lowest Price Guaranteed If you have purchased an item with the Lowest Price Guaranteed tag on Shopee and found a cheaper deal on our competitor s website Shopee will refund 120 of the price difference in the form of Shopee Coins
tomshardware answers id 3110413 3470 gtx 1060 1070 htmlOkay i have a answer to this question but i just want to double check with the group of people at toms will the I5 3470 bottleneck a GTX 1060 or 1070 i5 3470 i gtx 1060 PC I3 I5 3470 SSD GTX 1060 AMD RYZEN Terms Conditions 1 What is Lowest Price Guaranteed If you have purchased an item with the Lowest Price Guaranteed tag on Shopee and found a cheaper deal on our competitor s website Shopee will refund 120 of the price difference in the form of Shopee Coins CPU matches with the GTX 1060 3GB Have First of all if you can Id upgrade to a 6GB 1060 It will give you more room while playing games Now when it comes to your CPU I m gonna recommend two options On the Blue Team Intel I would go with an i5 8600K This CPU has 6 cores and 6 threads and the K means it is unlocked and will
i5 3470 i gtx 1060 Gallery
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