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tomshardware answers id 3466597 460 good upgrade 360 htmlIs the RX 460 a good enough upgrade from a R7 360 stonewall712 Jul 12 2017 10 32 AM Hello I am in need of a new graphics card and I found a RX 460 at a really cheap price r7 360 x rx 460 RX 460 vs AMD R7 360 The RX 460 is the third Polaris based 14 nm graphics card released by AMD this year it follows the 470 and 480 The Polaris 11 GPU which drives the RX 460 is around 50 less powerful than the Polaris 10 GPU used by both the RX 480 and RX 470 hwbench vgas radeon rx 460 vs radeon r7 360We compare the Radeon RX 460 against the Radeon R7 360 across a wide set of games and benchmarks to help you choose which you should get
tomshardware answers id 3161316 370 460 htmlR7 370 vs RX 460 Specs wise they re close to equal In real world performance RX 460 will have a slight to significant edge due to better support etc Vulkan DX12 on a newer card r7 360 x rx 460 hwbench vgas radeon rx 460 vs radeon r7 360We compare the Radeon RX 460 against the Radeon R7 360 across a wide set of games and benchmarks to help you choose which you should get 2016 amd radeon 13 08 2016 In the US the RX 460 is only 10 more expensive than the old Bonaire powered R7 260X and R7 360 which both offer essentially identical performance 3 5Author Richard Leadbetter
r7 360 x rx 460 Gallery
Red Devil, image source: videocardz.com
21161 00_HD5870_1GBGDDR5_PCIE_FBC_634532563154423346, image source: www.sapphiretech.com
MSI Radeon RX 470 4GB Gaming X, image source: techgage.com
Core I9 9900K box, image source: videocardz.com
Radeon PRO V340 Hero, image source: videocardz.com
11226 00_R9_290X_TRI X_4GBGDDR5_DP_HDMI_2DVI_PCIE_C02_635225387958378267, image source: www.sapphiretech.com
MEDhc, image source: videocardz.com
Intel Core 9th Series, image source: videocardz.com
11188 05_HD6950_Dirt3_2GBGDDR5_DP_HDMI_2DVI_PCIE_C02_634475572804731155, image source: www.sapphiretech.com
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Sapphire_201510123056, image source: www.sapphiretech.com
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11230 00_R9_280_DUALX_3GBGDDR5_DP_HDMI_2DVI_PCIE_LBC_635351612126153056, image source: www.sapphiretech.com
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Capturar, image source: www.clubedohardware.com.br
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380 main, image source: sapphirenitro.sapphiretech.com
11217 02_R9_270X_TOXIC_2GBGDDR5_DP_HDMI_2DVI_C03_635163344837739039, image source: www.sapphiretech.com