rx 470 just cause 3 to view on Bing9 3330 11 2016 The test was done with max settings on 1920x1080 pixels resolution Without recording the cpu doesn t exceed 90 and I have an average of 53 fps Author SaiTatterViews 1 4K rx 470 just cause 3 nitro rx 470 oc graphics card reviewNice review The performance gap between 470 and 480 is not more than 10 but 470 is 30 cheaper than the 480 and overclocked 470 come close the 480 470 got great value for money
tomshardware answers id 3420180 watch dogs high end games Which is best for watch dogs 2 just cause 3 and other high end games gtx 1060 gigabyte mini 3gb Rx 470 4gb or Rx 570 Saniasiddiquii May 21 2017 1 03 AM Hi Everyone rx 470 just cause 3 amd radeon rx 470 page8 htmlAMD Radeon RX 470 Review The last game we are looking at the power consumption figures in is Just Cause 3 this time the RX 470 consumed 12 watts less than the reference RX 480 470 Red Devil Ultrawide Benchmarks submitted 2 years ago by bizude I received my Red Devil today here are some 2560x1080 benchmarks for those interested Just Cause 3 Fight at the gas Ye I got my Sapphire nitro rx 470 OC today Testing doom I just chose high settings 2560x1080 tssaa x8 spelt right and vulkan Boom
NITRO Radeon RX 470 8GB GIGABYTE GA Z97X Gaming 3 Intel Z97 Re Just Cause 3 drops and stuttering whyandrew Sep 24 2016 2 30 AM in response to zeleznak Does that only happen with Just Cause 3 Like Show 0 Likes Actions Re Just Cause 3 drops and stuttering zeleznak Sep 24 2016 6 46 AM in rx 470 just cause 3 470 Red Devil Ultrawide Benchmarks submitted 2 years ago by bizude I received my Red Devil today here are some 2560x1080 benchmarks for those interested Just Cause 3 Fight at the gas Ye I got my Sapphire nitro rx 470 OC today Testing doom I just chose high settings 2560x1080 tssaa x8 spelt right and vulkan Boom tomshardware answers id 3213065 6100 470 htmlHello folks I build slowly my pc part by part I asked the forum about the rx 470 they say you will be great with this gpu so I purchase the rx 470 but now I m going to buy new cpu cause mine amd
rx 470 just cause 3 Gallery
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oc 1, image source: www.eteknix.com
toomb1 800x600, image source: www.eteknix.com
codbo3_3840_2160, image source: www.techpowerup.com
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john14 800x600, image source: www.eteknix.com
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Hoses01, image source: forums.vintage-mustang.com
Grand Theft Auto V 6, image source: gamedush.blogspot.com
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cop_nastaveni1, image source: pctuning.tyden.cz