dishonored 2 rx 480 to view on Bing3 3610 11 2016 Cards Used Asus GTX 1060 Strix Non Overclocked Version Asus AMD RX 480 Reference Fan Maxed Out CPU Skylake 6700K Dishonored 2 Pc GTX 1060 Vs AMD RX 480 Frame Rate Comparison Benchmark Please Author DudeRandom84Views 24K dishonored 2 rx 480 dishonored 2 is running so poorlyEven more telling perhaps is the RX 480 8GB compared to the RX 470 4GB where average fps favors the 480 by 16 percent at 1080p medium 22 percent at 1080p ultra and 29 percent at 1440p ultra
your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2 Declared a masterpiece by Eurogamer and hailed a must play revenge tale by Game Informer Dishonored 2 is the follow up to Arkane s 1st person action blockbuster winner of 100 Game of the Year awards Dishonored 3 5 5 13K dishonored 2 rx 480 480 VS GTX 1060 Very Low Low Medium High Very High and Ultra Settings We can see below that our GTX 1060 Strix and RX 480 Strix performed similarly throughout testing though Nvidia s GTX 1060 does edge out the RX 480 on most occasions techfrag 2016 11 10 dishonored 2 pc benchmarksDishonored 2 PC Recommended Requirements Intel Core i7 4770 AMD FX 8350 or better 16 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB or better Now that you know about the hardware that is needed to run the game let me tell you that these are not clear indications that the
a rx 480 i can get 40 60 fps on ultra almost everywhere on 1080p Titanfall 2 on ultra high 60fps 1080p Dishonored 2 is a completely different story though obviously Yea I know DH 2 Is not optimized but damn In that case I am getting that GPU for sure dishonored 2 rx 480 techfrag 2016 11 10 dishonored 2 pc benchmarksDishonored 2 PC Recommended Requirements Intel Core i7 4770 AMD FX 8350 or better 16 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB or better Now that you know about the hardware that is needed to run the game let me tell you that these are not clear indications that the 2 pc performance and settingsNVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB or better Dishonored 2 is finally out tomorrow I ve had access to the PC version of the game since this morning UK time and over the coming days I ll
dishonored 2 rx 480 Gallery
Dishonored 1440p Screenshot 2, image source: www.kitguru.net
Dishonored 1440p Screenshot 5, image source: www.kitguru.net
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
hqdefault, image source: www.doovi.com
watchdogs2_2560_1440, image source: www.techpowerup.com
Dishonored2_Delilah_730x411, image source: retalhoclub.com.br
dishonored_2, image source: www.geektopia.es
bf1 hbao rx480 1440p, image source: elchapuzasinformatico.com
watchdogs2_3840_2160, image source: www.techpowerup.com
Average, image source: www.techspot.com
r_600x450, image source: www.tomshardware.fr
r_600x450, image source: www.tomshardware.fr
r_600x450, image source: www.tomshardware.fr
radeon582, image source: pclab.pl
dishonored death of the outsider minimum sistem gereksinimleri, image source: www.codturkiye.net
1505506803_ss_16a76338c9b15579ba52ab9ae5f37e7cdead4f74, image source: xtland.com
600x, image source: www.gamestar.de
project ara phone 34, image source: www.frazpc.pl