gtx 1060 v rx 580 GTX 1060 6GB vs AMD Comparing the RX 480 and GTX 1060 shows that for pre DX12 games the 1060 edges ahead by 12 Due to better hardware compatibility the RX 480 is able to match the 1060 in DX12 games but this will remain a corner case until most games are optimized for DX12 likely to take several years gtx 1060 v rx 580 gpuboss gpus Radeon RX 580 vs GeForce GTX 1060Radeon RX 580 vs GeForce GTX 1060 well then your blind rx 580 uses more power also runs hotter and at the top thing the rx 580 sucks gtx 1060 takes the win and also didnt mention the cheapest 3gb 1060 is 200 dollars the cheapest rx 580 is 270 dollars so thats a win for the 1060
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