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Today i show you that the magic has happend The RX 470 4Gb version is capable of hitting 28 Mh s through a bios mod The video that has the tutorial is rx 470 30 mh 6x AMD RX 470 Pascal Coin Mining Rig 2 000 MH s I just built this rig yesterday just in time for the release of the nanopool mining pool for pascal coin as the price is going way up look msi rx 470 4 gbFirst Look MSI RX 470 4 GB First Look MSI RX 470 4 GB Yesterday I received in two MSI AMD RX 470 4 GB cards from NewEgg to evaluate their performance in Ethash Ethereum mining From what I read these cards are capable of 20 22 MH s while only drawing 110 watts of power This is a nice improvement over the older model cards The AMD AMD Claymore Ethash Ethereum mining MSI RX 470
mining rx 470 reviewThe Nitro RX 470 was tested with Claymore miner and achieved 26 5 MH s while drawing 160 W from the wall with stock settings It s important to note that the RX 480 can achieve a slightly higher hashrate while consuming a bit less power 5 5Author Jacob rx 470 30 mh look msi rx 470 4 gbFirst Look MSI RX 470 4 GB First Look MSI RX 470 4 GB Yesterday I received in two MSI AMD RX 470 4 GB cards from NewEgg to evaluate their performance in Ethash Ethereum mining From what I read these cards are capable of 20 22 MH s while only drawing 110 watts of power This is a nice improvement over the older model cards The AMD AMD Claymore Ethash Ethereum mining MSI RX 470 470 8gbFind great deals on eBay for rx 470 8gb Shop with confidence
rx 470 30 mh Gallery
Sapphire RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Mining performance Review, image source: 1stminingrig.com
RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Ethash Ethereum Power Draw, image source: 1stminingrig.com
sapphire rx 470 8gb mining edition hynix ethereum dual mining lbry credits profitability, image source: www.bitcoininsider.org
sapphire rx 470 8gb mining edition hynix ethereum dual mining decred hashrate and power consumption, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Claymore RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Ethash Ethereum Mining Power Draw, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Sapphire RX 470 8GB Mining Edition with Hynix Memory Zcash Monero Nicehash Benchmark, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Claymore RX 470 8GB Mining Edition ZCash Mining Hashrate Performance, image source: 1stminingrig.com
2017 05 09 18, image source: 1stminingrig.com
RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Nicehash Mining Hashrate Performance Benchmark decred cryptonight equihash claymore sgminer, image source: 1stminingrig.com
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1stMRB Stackable 6x GPU Aluminum Mining Rig Frame Case Silver 1, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Sapphire_NITRO__RX_470_OC_BIOS_LED_Switch, image source: 1stminingrig.com
2017 05 09 10, image source: 1stminingrig.com
rx 480 8gb 1625 timings, image source: 1stminingrig.com
sapphire nitro rx 480 8gb bios timings, image source: 1stminingrig.com
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