rx 480 year rx 480BEST RX 480 FOR COOLING ASUS ROG STRIX Radeon Rx 480 8GB OC Edition This year the crown for best cooling on an RX 480 goes without much competition to the ASUS ROG STRIX 8GB OC Edition There are a few things that make the cooling really special on this model starting with a rather unique feather ASUS calls FanConnect rx 480 year tomshardware forum id 3105710 480 upgrade year gtx 1070 29 06 2016 Also can someone explain the RX 480 power draw drama to me like I am a child because I have no idea what is going on with that 5 answers Last reply Jun 29 2016 More about 480 upgrade year
rx 480 gpu price specs release date The RX 480 is among the first GPUs from AMD build on their 14nm FinFET Polaris architecture making it at 150W the company s most power efficient GPU ever according to Koduri The card rx 480 year RX 480 review benchmarksUpdate April 28 2017 The AMD RX 480 is getting on for a year old now with a new half generation card appearing in the shape of the catchily titled RX 580 to operate as its direct replacement tomshardware answers id 3137717 480 temperatures htmlRX 480 Temperatures Shape10 Jul 29 2016 1 30 PM Hello Just finished my first pc build and I started to play some games that got me a bit worried about my card temperatures So I was playing
want to know your feeling after a year and half playing with your RX 480 If you could write your card brand and model the overclocking and or undervolting you ve achieved as well If you could write your card brand and model the overclocking and or undervolting you ve achieved as well rx 480 year tomshardware answers id 3137717 480 temperatures htmlRX 480 Temperatures Shape10 Jul 29 2016 1 30 PM Hello Just finished my first pc build and I started to play some games that got me a bit worried about my card temperatures So I was playing I get the RX480 or GTX1060They re both fine cards for 1080p gaming at the moment but only the RX 480 has the option to crossfire This means you can add a second card in a few years and get a 50 80 boost in performance depending on the game Doing this with my GTX 660 cost 70 and gave me about a year and a half of gaming at high settings I had no issues with compatibility though it does mean the cards run a
rx 480 year Gallery
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index, image source: www.guru3d.com
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ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1070 Reference Edition 4, image source: videocardz.com