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Simple straight forward upload tonight showing my AMD RX 570 breaking the 1k h s barrier I perfect the recipe for 1 000 h s Cryptonight with RX570 GPU Mining Profits INCREASE rx 570 xmr mining rx 580 8g htmlThe RX 580 LE setup is a little disappointing but you can see some performance power consumption variations you could get the same results with RX 580 or even the RX 570 though RX 580 8gb hashratein the mining ETH DCR rx 570 4gb 1405 h sWindows 10 x64 no bios mod elpida memory xmr stak core 1300 mem 2000 stock power gpu 74 F Mining crashes mem 2100 Have been logging combinations of intensity worksize and it seems like I m near the ceiling before any bio mods
rx 570 xmr mining Gallery
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mining rig RX570 62, image source: mineshop.eu
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