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blog 9176 cast xmr highspeed cryptonight There is a new Monero XMR CryptoNight miner out for AMD Radeon Rx Vega GPUs called Cast XMR that claims to be capable of reaching hashrates of more than 2050 CryptoNight H s on an single RX Vega 56 or Vega 64 GPU with a high power consumption rx vega xmr mining vega miningguidesVega MiningGuides Vega Mining A Consolidated Guide Howdy I do have confirmation that the after market ASUS AMD Radeon RX VEGA 64 ROG Strix OC works with this guide Vegas are really good at mining the CryptoNight algorithm and can be effective mining a number of coins Monero XMR ETN ITNS SUMO KRB XLC Nicehash stable 2000 hs mining xmr on vegasA stable 2000 H s mining XMR on Vega s Are you serious installed Blockchain drivers with one RX Vega 64 connected adding one by one GPU until 5th GPU all is okay adding the 6th GPU Windows just fails to start and system keeps rebooting AMD XMR Miner v0 61b 477 KB
gpu vega mining rig monero1 x RX VEGA 64 will output 1200 H s at 250 W XMR ETN uses less power than that I have mentioned 6 x RX VEGA 64 1200 x 6 7200 H s You will be able to achieve 7200 H s for mining Monero with this rig rx vega xmr mining stable 2000 hs mining xmr on vegasA stable 2000 H s mining XMR on Vega s Are you serious installed Blockchain drivers with one RX Vega 64 connected adding one by one GPU until 5th GPU all is okay adding the 6th GPU Windows just fails to start and system keeps rebooting AMD XMR Miner v0 61b 477 KB to view on Bing5 2727 01 2018 Looking to get the 1900hs mining speed of your RX Vega GPUs for your NiceHash account Using the Cast XMR Miner you can connect your Vega graphics cards to a NiceHash pool to contribute to any Author SamsTechStuffViews 4K
rx vega xmr mining Gallery
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AMD Crimson ReLive VideoCardz 62, image source: upcomingcarshq.com
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