witcher 3 rx 480 radeon rx 480 polaris 10 The Radeon RX 480 beats its predecessors again in Rise of the Tomb Raider Although the GeForce GTX 980 and 970 end up on top we keep seeing the 480 land between what HTC and Oculus specify as a witcher 3 rx 480 to view on Bing9 0714 09 2016 Check out some performance gameplay from The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt using ultra settings with a single overclocked AMD RX 480 System Specs CPU Intel i7 6700K 4 6GHz GPU AMD Sapphire RX480 Nitro Author Bang4BuckPC GamerViews 16K
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I run a RX 480 8gb Vram Runs Witcher 3 fine well over 60 fps at 1080p on Highest settings no it doesn t a 480 is only on par with the 970 and hairworks has to be disabled along with turning down foliage distance down a notch to stand a chance of maintaining 60 fps with it witcher 3 rx 480 amd radeon rx 480 page2 htmlBenchmarks Overwatch The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Touted as the perfect VR solution for the masses AMD is hoping to claw back a bit of market share with the new Radeon RX 480 which is aimed at the radeon rx 470 4703 5 htmlAMD s Radeon RX 480 leads the 470 by 14 in The Division It keeps pace with Nvidia s GeForce GTX 1060 and beats the more expensive GeForce GTX 970 The Witcher 3
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