rx 480 90c With one specific GPU kernel my RX480 Sapphire version with AMD s reference cooling system starts producing incorrect results just in 20 30 seconds from the start GPU Temperature goes from 35C to 80C then it jumps around 80C I guess drivers hardware tries to keep GPU core at 80C but fails so there are spikes up to 90C After 10 20 minutes of such work whole system shutdowns rx 480 90c tomshardware answers id 3153124 sapphire nitro 480 weird Hey guys So I just bought a Sapphire Nitro RX 480 last week First time I installed it the temp under full load was 85 90C I tested it with Unigine Heaven and some games like Far Cry 4 and GTA
I just noticed my Rx480 Reference model Which I bougt 1 year ago started heating up a lot Even to the point my games start to throttle It sometimes rx 480 90c VRM GPU temp RX 480 8GB reference card Was testing out my new 480 on Stranded Deep a game that really heated up my old R9 270 also Was monitoring the GPU Thermal Diode using HWinFO64 Max temp was 83 degrees and it seemed to sit round 80 for the most part When i quit the game after 10 minutes or so i noticed VRM temp had maxed at 93 degrees Added that to the rx 480 1500mhz overclocking tool voltage 2AMD is launching a new overclocking tool for the RX 400 series with voltage control oh and the RX 480 is capable of 1 5Ghz clock speeds
i7 3770 RX 480 8GB 16GB 3 points 4 points 5 points 2 years ago 45 50c on idle 85 90c while gaming I would recommend waiting for aftermarket cards so you won t have to worry about temps and so you can overclock some more rx 480 90c rx 480 1500mhz overclocking tool voltage 2AMD is launching a new overclocking tool for the RX 400 series with voltage control oh and the RX 480 is capable of 1 5Ghz clock speeds rx 480 reducing voltage increasing How to increase the Radeon RX 480 inefficiency by adjusting just the Voltage through the Wattman program in the new Radeon Settings
rx 480 90c Gallery
18 800x600, image source: www.eteknix.com
gtx 1060 hybrid shim 1, image source: www.gamersnexus.net
5 1 devil 13, image source: forums.evga.com
DSC08208s, image source: oc.jagatreview.com
DalProp Cyclone T5051C mexico 350x435, image source: dronexperto.com