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will and i5 2400 keep 23 09 2016 Im doing a budget build and I just want to make sure that the old tower I plan on cannibalizing for the CPU and mobo will be able to handle the newer hardware Does anybody have any experience or know how well they will work together Most likely I will be using an RX 460 if that helps rx 460 i5 2400 Hello everyone the my RX 460 xfx 2gb woks at 70 80 fps in doom at 1600x900 in ultra except shadow and lights on low but suddenly the fps drops at 12 or gpuerbenchmark Compare ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO vs AMD RX 460 The RX 460 is the third Polaris based 14 nm graphics card released by AMD this year it follows the 470 and 480 The Polaris 11 GPU which drives the RX 460 is around 50 less powerful than the Polaris 10 GPU used by both the RX 480 and RX 470
tomshardware answers id 3777017 2400 2400s htmlIf an i5 2400 is all you can afford it should pair pretty well with an RX 460 The 4 core i5 should be a nice upgrade over his 2 core Pentium failboat Sep 1 2018 9 27 AM rx 460 i5 2400 gpuerbenchmark Compare ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO vs AMD RX 460 The RX 460 is the third Polaris based 14 nm graphics card released by AMD this year it follows the 470 and 480 The Polaris 11 GPU which drives the RX 460 is around 50 less powerful than the Polaris 10 GPU used by both the RX 480 and RX 470 Athlon 860K RX 460 2GB 8GB DDR3 2400 3 points 4 points 5 points 2 years ago 10 children Hey sorry for not responding for a while had to go to work for a while I would like to play mostly older AAA games that are on sale and such so definetely not the latest and hottest games
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