wolfenstein 2 rx vega 4Click to view on Bing1 3827 10 2017 AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 vs Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Wolfenstein II The New Colossus 1080p Wolfenstein II The New Colossus AMD vs NVIDIA Wolfenstein 2 GTX 1080 TI Vs AMD RX Vega 64 Vs Author TechEpiphanyViews 6 7K wolfenstein 2 rx vega 7700K 5 0GHZ RX Vega 64 LC Freesync 2 1 point 2 points 3 points 11 months ago But i mention apples to apples comparison Doesnt matter settings or i miss something
II took full advantage of the Vulkan API and latest features found on Radeon RX Vega graphics cards By using the advanced features on the Vega GPU such as rapid packed math multi threaded command buffer recording asynchronous compute and shader intrinsics I averaged 60 fps at 3440 1440 with Radeon RX Vega 56 and wolfenstein 2 rx vega 2 benchmarks amd vs Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus is here and it s one of the best games of 2017 But what is its PC performance like The benchmarks show that AMD Vega benefits from the Vulkan based optimizations on Wolfenstein 2 offering the best performance even surpassing the fastest Nvidia GPU 2 The New Colossus Results Since I collected this data first I want to go through it first As I stated earlier I accidentally missed recording a run in this game for the 130 FPS target at the Undervolt 50 Power Limit UV 50 configuration
rx vega gets 22 performance uplift Wolfenstein 2 performance at release via Computerbase de AMD Radeon graphics cards and especially the Vega series demonstrated exceptionally good performance in Wolfenstein 2 wolfenstein 2 rx vega 2 The New Colossus Results Since I collected this data first I want to go through it first As I stated earlier I accidentally missed recording a run in this game for the 130 FPS target at the Undervolt 50 Power Limit UV 50 configuration ii performance It is no surprise that these two beastly boards run Wolfenstein II in a perfectly smooth manner at 1920x1080 and 2560x1440 with max ed out quality settings AMD s Radeon RX Vega
wolfenstein 2 rx vega Gallery
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maxresdefault, image source: www.youtube.com
GamePack_DACH, image source: gaming.radeon.com
rx_vega_56_perf6, image source: gadgetpilipinas.net
2017, image source: gaming.radeon.com
GN RXVega 2, image source: videocardz.com
vega 2, image source: www.slashgear.com
2017 07 30 image 5, image source: www.techspot.com
AMD Zen Zen 2 Zen 3, image source: wccftech.com
Radeon RX Vega 56 Gigabyte pcgh_b2article_artwork, image source: www.pcgames.de
xfx radeon rx vega 56 64 double edition 4, image source: www.frazpc.pl
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nvda_revenue_split_q3_fy2017, image source: www.reddit.com
014067_xfx radeon rx vega 56 64 double edition 3, image source: nl.hardware.info
radeon rx vega presentation_6003855, image source: www.gamestar.de
DSC02950, image source: www.guru3d.com
Edge con Fluent Design 2 840x473, image source: www.muycomputer.com
Asus revisa el PCB de la ROG Strix 1080 Ti 2, image source: www.profesionalreview.com
plants_1920_i5_gpu, image source: pclab.pl