rx vega coil whine 144Hz vs 240Hz Can you see the difference ft ASUS PG258Q Gaming Monitor Duration 7 23 NCIX Tech Tips 2 724 828 views rx vega coil whine some nasty coil whine Using a corsair rm1000x could it be the PSU Cables Or just got unlucky I ve seen some guys say they fixed it by
vega owners thread 1941944 page 1515 10 2017 RX Vega Owners Thread Discussion in AMD I have a 1000 watt Antec PSU in my machine and am getting coil whine with my Vega 56 I made sure two independent cables are connecting to the graphics card The weird thing is there is no whine when I m gaming only right after I close a game does it start and the pitch of the whine changes depending on what my active window rx vega coil whine load there is small amount of coil whine but with my case s glass panel on InWin 303c it is inaudible This is my first AMD card Previously I had purchased NVIDIA exclusively 3 times in fact 5 5 27 Radeon RX Vega 56 is AMD s high end gaming graphics card which is designed with extremer gamers in mind It is built with an extensively redesigned and forward thinking GPU architecture to deliver exhilarating performance in the newest DirectX 12 and Vulkan games 4 5 19
s I18 08 2017 Under full load the Vega produces a very annoying sound rx vega coil whine Radeon RX Vega 56 is AMD s high end gaming graphics card which is designed with extremer gamers in mind It is built with an extensively redesigned and forward thinking GPU architecture to deliver exhilarating performance in the newest DirectX 12 and Vulkan games 4 5 19 radeon rx vega 64 8 05 06 2018 I had ASUS Radeon RX Vega 64 8GB which I returned cuz of coil whining I want to buy another one but want to know if the coil whine is a problem
rx vega coil whine Gallery
snp dx 100744468 orig, image source: www.pcworld.com
Q05La1ItcWuRpd2M4RWc, image source: www.vidoevo.com
CPLYpPg, image source: www.9lives.be