rx 470 vs r9 380 RX 470 vs AMD R9 380 The AMD R9 380 succeeds the Tonga based R9 285 The only difference between the two cards is a tiny 2 GPU clock increase on the R9 380 but for the most part the R9 380 is identical to the R9 285 rx 470 vs r9 380 to view on Bing2 3212 08 2016 This video compares RX 470 with R9 380 I really hope you enjoy it If you do hit that like button Feel free to subscribe if you like what I m doing Also don t hesitate to point out any Author SkuezTechViews 57K
gpuboss gpus Radeon RX 470 vs Radeon R9 380XWe put the 926 MHz AMD RX 470 to the test against the 970 MHz R9 380X to find out which you should buy rx 470 vs r9 380 debate gpu index php gid 3598 gid2 3102 The R9 380 has a 54 MHz higher core clock speed than the RX 470 but the RX 470 has 16 more Texture Mapping Units than the R9 380 As a result the RX 470 exhibits a 8 7 GTexel s better Texture debate gpu index php gid 3598 gid2 3112 The R9 380 has 140 8 GB sec greater memory bandwidth than the RX 470 which means that the memory performance of the R9 380 is massively better than the RX 470
hwbench vgas radeon rx 470 vs radeon r9 380Reasons to consider Radeon RX 470 67 higher gaming performance 70 watts lower power draw This might be a strong point if your current power supply is not enough to handle the Radeon R9 380 rx 470 vs r9 380 debate gpu index php gid 3598 gid2 3112 The R9 380 has 140 8 GB sec greater memory bandwidth than the RX 470 which means that the memory performance of the R9 380 is massively better than the RX 470 tomshardware answers id 3087676 380 wait 470 htmlHello I m thinking of either getting a r9 380 or the yet unannounced rx 470 maybe it will announced soon The thing is that the rx 480 is out of my price range and I have found an xfx r9 380 for
rx 470 vs r9 380 Gallery
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