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radeon rx 470 updated 3 10 09 2016 The RX 470 seems to be fully functional with OpenGL which the RX 480 struggles in macOS I was able to run Valley and Heaven for more than an hour without issues This is a huge improvement over the RX 480 which crashes out within seconds rx 470 hackintosh forumkas index php topic 11607 0 html20 09 2016 AMD Radeon RX 470 reported to work in Sierra with KEXT AMD Radeon RX 470 reported to work in Sierra with KEXT modification Read 16688 times electonic RAM 16gb 1600 Crucial Ballistix SSDs 2X 840 EVO 250gb WD MyPassport 320gb Time Machine GPU AMD RX 480 8gb OS OS X 10 11 5 SMBios iMac 13 2 Bootloader Clover UEFI nireshproject blogspot 2016 08 rx 470 in hackintosh disabling 15 08 2016 I just got a Sapphire RX 470 Nitro OC 8gb card I know I can t use it in my OS X El Capitan hackintosh until the final release of the new OS Sierra
just got a Sapphire RX 470 Nitro OC 8gb card I know I can t use it in my OS X El Capitan hackintosh until the final release of the new OS Sierra I want to use rx 470 hackintosh nireshproject blogspot 2016 08 rx 470 in hackintosh disabling 15 08 2016 I just got a Sapphire RX 470 Nitro OC 8gb card I know I can t use it in my OS X El Capitan hackintosh until the final release of the new OS Sierra to view on Bing6 0625 08 2016 Step 1 Disable SIP in Recovery mode Command R at boot open Terminal then type csrutil disable Step 2 Reboot then locate AMDRadeonX4000 kext in Author Phillips GarageViews 37K
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