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mining rx 470 reviewThe RX 400 series is regarded as the best line of Ethereum mining GPUs the RX 480 is one of the most profitable Ethereum mining GPUs on the market especially in a well configured mining rig The 480 s little brother the RX 470 has also proven itself to be a worthy mining 5 5Author Jacob 4 rx 470 mining to view on Bing3 5729 06 2017 Today i show you that Nnw that AMD heard that Nvidia was releasing their GTX1060 GP106 100 and GTX 1080 GP104 100 Mining cards they also realesed Graphic ca Author BuriedONE CryptominingViews 23K to view on Bing1 2815 09 2016 Rx 470 4gb or 8gb here are the results After some research i managed to confirm that RX 470 4Gb 20Mh s RX 470 8Gb 25Mh s So thats all i need to tell you Author BuriedONE Crypto MiningViews 45K
rx 470 htmlThe Sapphire NITRO AMD Radeon RX 470 8GB for Ethereum mining by default is about 24 5 MHS which is almost the same as the Radeon RX 480 Don t forget that this Sapphire model uses 8 GHz RAM while RX 470 4 GB come with 7 GHz or 6 6 GHz RAM so the Ethereum production is slow 4 rx 470 mining to view on Bing1 2815 09 2016 Rx 470 4gb or 8gb here are the results After some research i managed to confirm that RX 470 4Gb 20Mh s RX 470 8Gb 25Mh s So thats all i need to tell you Author BuriedONE Crypto MiningViews 45K specs asus rx 470 mining b4724GPU Name Ellesmere GPU Variant Polaris 10 PRO 215 0876204 Architecture GCN 4 0 Foundry TSMC Process Size 14 nm Transistors 5 700 million Die Size
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