crysis 1 rx 480 to view on Bing12 5329 09 2018 FX8350 16GB RAM 1866 SSD 240GB Kingston RX480 4GBAuthor Rafael GameplaysViews 4 crysis 1 rx 480 crysis 1 optimization 28 10 2016 Im not sure why but is crysis 1 just a poorly optimized game because no matter what settings i run it on its just all jittery and inconsistent when it comes to framerates
tomshardware answers id 3424445 crysis stutters 480 htmlPc specs sapphire nitro rx 480 4 gb oc i7 4790k 16 gb ddr3 1600mhz So today I decided to re download crysis 3 Just for fun I loaded the game set it to 1080p Very high motion blur low crysis 1 rx 480 3 is not an easy game to run so you forget people that jumped from 5 6 series cards to 10 and waited until they can properly play it Heck I had a 980m that ran it ok and I still waited before I played Crysis 3 and The Witcher 3 with a 1080 Games Crysis 3 RX 480 GPU usage In addition I have tested my RX 480 in one of our computers with Windows 7 and an i5 3570k and then the GPU usage was at 100 giving me almost 60fps in that specific area and 100 fps when looking away thus my graphics card and driver shouldn t be the problem
tomshardware 8120 480 underperforming crysis htmlFX 8120 Rx 480 4 GB underperforming in Crysis 1 GeneralJim25 Mar 20 2018 9 03 PM I am getting under 30 FPS maxed out at 1080p on a game from 2008 This doesnt make sense I can play the later crysis 1 rx 480 Games Crysis 3 RX 480 GPU usage In addition I have tested my RX 480 in one of our computers with Windows 7 and an i5 3570k and then the GPU usage was at 100 giving me almost 60fps in that specific area and 100 fps when looking away thus my graphics card and driver shouldn t be the problem trying to play Crysis 3 with my new RX480 but the performance is awfully bad to say the least Sometimes it goes to 100fps or something
crysis 1 rx 480 Gallery
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