gtx 1050 undervolt the undervolt my gpu touched 85c in the heaven benchmark 1080p 8x AA ultra textures tessellation disabled Well it is true that you cannot actually undervolt the 1050 or the 1050ti for that matter Like the gtx 1070 can be undervolted just by going to the bios and putting a cap to maximum voltage and leaving the rest to nvidia s gpu boost 3 Yet we can make the 1050 use less gtx 1050 undervolt Discussion Undervolting GTX 1050 results in voltage throttling XPS15 9560 submitted 11 months ago by 1234VICE Motivated by some threads on this subreddit I have undervolted the nVidia 1050 in my XPS15 laptop by adapting the voltage vs frequency curve in MSI afterburner
safe is it to undervolt a GTX 1000 02 09 2017 Just curious since on AMD s side they ve been undervolting their cards for a long time with great success The main purpose of undervolting is to reduce power consumption which directly results in lesser heat being produced by the GPU thereby leading to lower temperatures gtx 1050 undervolt tomsguide guide undervolt acer nitro 7300hq gtx 1050 html21 04 2018 By the way you didn t try to undervolt the gtx 1050 using msi afterburner the gtx 1050 still runs cool so i doubt it need to be undervolted plus acer prevent undervolting of the dedicated how do you undervolt a The cooling in the ux550ve is very bad so I need to undervolt the gtx 1050 ti I get a max of 50 under max load but i live in the UK you might want to check the airflow in your case share
tomshardware answers undervolt palit gtx 1050ti kalmx htmlMore about undervolt palit gtx 1050ti kalmx frostedtim May 12 2017 7 57 PM Dropping below the rated voltage requirements on you video card will hinder performance that is if it doesnt cause the gtx 1050 undervolt how do you undervolt a The cooling in the ux550ve is very bad so I need to undervolt the gtx 1050 ti I get a max of 50 under max load but i live in the UK you might want to check the airflow in your case share to view on Bing10 3015 05 2018 Trying an undervolt setting on the Acer Nitro 5 Author MeanpoohViews 5 9K
gtx 1050 undervolt Gallery
large?v=1, image source: forums.lenovo.com
attachment, image source: rog.asus.com
perf temps cinebench battery 1, image source: www.ultrabookreview.com
mqdefault, image source: speedwealthy.com
curve_2cprzt, image source: www.hardwareluxx.de
perf temps cinebench 1, image source: www.ultrabookreview.com
4359610_37062189_812110789178843_9218367356277882880_n, image source: tinhte.vn