witcher 3 rx 480 settings to view on Bing2 1315 12 2016 Note The recording steals from 2 to 10 FPS PC Specs CPU i5 6500 GPU XFX RX 480 8 GB RAM 2x 8GB Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 2133MHz Author Alessio NavaViews 6 2K witcher 3 rx 480 settings I run a RX 480 8gb Vram Runs Witcher 3 fine well over 60 fps at 1080p on Highest settings no it doesn t a 480 is only on par with the 970 and hairworks has to be disabled along with turning down foliage distance down a notch to stand a chance of maintaining 60 fps with it
userbenchmark PCGame FPS Estimates The Witcher 3 Wild UserBenchmark USA User CPU GPU SSD HDD RAM USB FPS Please vote and link to us TEST YOUR FPS ADD TO PC BUILD FPS Estimates The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt RX 480 The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt 1 Choose Game Settings Choose Game Settings witcher 3 rx 480 settings tomshardware answers id 3113386 gtx960 rx480 witcher htmlWell I would go for the Rx 480 8 gb version since its cheap compared to Nvidia s GTX 10 series and it will significantly give you better performance than a gtx 960 and slightly better than a 970 The Witcher 3 aspxThe Witcher 3 Wild Hunt may default to the windowed or borderless windowed modes which will prevent users from realizing the full performance of their system Full screen exclusive mode can be configured by setting the display mode option to full screen in graphics options menu of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
I m pretty set on getting an RX 480 but lack of availability is an issue On the plus side it seems the Viewsonic XG2401 is finally jump to content my subreddits Question Realistic settings to play witcher 3 on 144hz 1080p using RX 480 submitted 2 years ago by penatbater hi witcher 3 rx 480 settings The Witcher 3 aspxThe Witcher 3 Wild Hunt may default to the windowed or borderless windowed modes which will prevent users from realizing the full performance of their system Full screen exclusive mode can be configured by setting the display mode option to full screen in graphics options menu of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Cards AMD Radeon RX 480 Settings used for The Witcher 3 Though the difference isn t as noticeable as in the last two games the Radeon RX 480 is faster than the GTX 970 by a healthy 8 or so while coming within 1 of the
witcher 3 rx 480 settings Gallery
AMD Radeon RX 480 Auto Stock OC Gaming Performance, image source: wccftech.com
compatibility mode, image source: www.legitreviews.com
gigabyte radeon rx 480 g1 gaming 8GB 37, image source: proclockers.com
Witcher3_1920x1080_PLOT, image source: www.pcper.com
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
witcher3_1920_1080, image source: linustechtips.com
Overwatch_01, image source: www.techspot.com
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
hqdefault, image source: www.doovi.com
gtx 1060 hitman dx12 100672361 orig, image source: www.pcworld.idg.com.au
ashes 4k, image source: www.legitreviews.com
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
Intel Core i5 4670 34GHz Quad Core Processor, image source: picclick.co.uk
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
Rise_of_the_Tomb_Raider_0, image source: www.hardwarezone.com.my
MediaHandler, image source: www.mweb.co.za
Pic 45, image source: www.enostech.com