rx 570 30 mh/s tomshardware answers id 3713685 sapphire 570 8gb nitro Just started the PheonixMiner 28 c and getting 31 1 Mh s on that RX 570 8GB Nitro I ve got a lot going today but hopefully I can check out that power draw issue and post my findings I ll do it rx 570 30 mh/s https
clip video LBZ4T rIkfA how to mod sapphire rx 570 4 This tutorial to mod the RX 570 firmware was very helpful and now I am getting 30 Mh s at 87W compare to previously 24 Mh s at 116W A donation is on the way rx 570 30 mh/s pulse radeon rx 570 For miners the SAPPHIRE Pulse Radeon RX 570 is the card to pick for smooth 25 MH s 30 MH s Hash rate on Ethereum This model is powered by 2048 GCN stream processors that run at a 1284 MHz boost clock The card is cooled using the quiet Dual X two fan solution with an easy fan swap Quick Connect system in place as well erodov forums price dropped gigabyte rx 470 yeston rx 570 23 06 2018 Product Name Manufacturers code URL Gigabyte RX 470 4GB and Yeston RX 570 4GB Expected Price Rs 20000 Rs 18499 per card Source For Sale Graphic Card PRICE DROPPED Gigabyte RX 470 and Yeston RX 570 30 Mh s at 65watt
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rx 570 30 mh/s Gallery
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