rx 480 144hz overwatch I have an RX 480 144hz and can maintain 110 FPS and only dips in big firefights Using Epic settings with Local Reflections off and shadows on medium Also OC d to 1380Mhz rx 480 144hz overwatch tomshardware answers id 3145914 480 144hz htmlMy specs are i5 3330 8 Gb of ram500 watt psuIf I were to get a 144hz monitor and an rx 480 4gb would it be able to run Overwatch on high med ultra settings Thank you
tomshardware answers id 3227240 zotac gtx 1060 amp 3gb Zotac Gtx 1060 Amp 3gb or Sapphire Nitro Rx 480 4gb for 144hz Overwatch Furuya Oct 30 2016 7 40 AM so as the title suggest im currently struggling between getting these 2 Gpus i will mostly rx 480 144hz overwatch to view on Bing4 0812 07 2016 This is an Overwatch benchmark video with the RX 480 1080p Epic Settings with RX 480 FX 8350 Follow me on Twitter Author EliteGamingHQViews 17K us battle forums en overwatch topic 2075320049323 02 2017 World of Warcraft Arena World Championship More Competitions Resources
mean I play Overwatch at low settings on my R9 270X and it never dips below 144Hz The 460 is projected to be at my cards performance possibly more and the 470 is of course a level higher than that So the 480 will most definitely run at 144Hz Might even be able to get away with it maxed out at 144Hz but we won t know until 29th rx 480 144hz overwatch us battle forums en overwatch topic 2075320049323 02 2017 World of Warcraft Arena World Championship More Competitions Resources Everytime I play Skyrim or Overwatch at low settings the drivers just crashes out of nowhere Changing the Memory or GPU also for some reason crashes the drivers So I m just wondering why this is the case The card I am using is the Radeon TM RX 480 Graphics I was told it is good but it feels like an upgrade and a downgrade at the same time I have the same question Show 1 Likes
rx 480 144hz overwatch Gallery
Screenshots 6 400x250, image source: tech4gamers.com
fMCwxZp, image source: vforum.vn