rx 460 ethereum mh/s cryptos amd radeon rx 460 makes 11 AMD s GPUs are known to perform better in the memory demanding Ethash algorithm used by Ethereum so no wonder that there is interest even though the RX 460 is the slowest model of the new RX series of video cards rx 460 ethereum mh/s AMD Radion RX 460 micron 14 7 Mh s Eth decred
thexmikkel ethereum mining dag file I assume that the RX 460 MSI card that you have is a 4 gb version 10 MH s seems very good I have seen people getting it to 13 MH s but this could cause a lot of GPU Memory errors which is not good rx 460 ethereum mh/s mining rx 470 reviewThe RX 400 series is regarded as the best line of Ethereum mining GPUs the RX 480 is one of the most profitable Ethereum mining GPUs on the market especially in a well configured mining rig The 480 s little brother the RX 470 has also proven itself to be 5 5Author Jacob Ethereum links Official Ethereum Subreddit Ethereum Mining Forums Mining with rx 460s self EtherMining If you have six 460 s at 13 MH s you re only doing 78 MH s at 14 MH a it s still only 84 and you re straining the cards there from what you re saying Whereas six 1060 s will do 120 out the box and 135 with a very
rx 470 hashrateThere will however be AMD Radeon RX 470 GPUs with 4GB of video memory where the operating frequency could vary between 6 6 GHz and 7 GHz and these should have lower performance for Ethereum The expected hashrate in mining Ethereum is more like around 20 MHS for the 6 6 GHz video memory and about 21 MHS for the 7 GHz models rx 460 ethereum mh/s Ethereum links Official Ethereum Subreddit Ethereum Mining Forums Mining with rx 460s self EtherMining If you have six 460 s at 13 MH s you re only doing 78 MH s at 14 MH a it s still only 84 and you re straining the cards there from what you re saying Whereas six 1060 s will do 120 out the box and 135 with a very radeon rx 460 hashrateTagged as amd cards for mining AMD Radeon RX 460 bitcoin energy consumption bitcoin to cash calculator cryptonight gpu CryptoNightV7 Mining Hashrate ethereum mining hardware comparison fastest ethereum miner gpu hashrate gpu hashrate ethereum gpu miner zcash gpu monero mining pascal coin mining RX 460 CryptoNightV7 RX 460 OverClocking Settings
rx 460 ethereum mh/s Gallery
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