rx 470 afterburner settings RX 470 overclock settings submitted 2 years ago by beethoven77 RX 470 users it would be interesting to know how much overclocking you were able to achieve with wattman etc rx 470 afterburner settings tomshardware answers id 3150619 overclocking 470 htmlArtifacts on screen after Gpu overclock rx 470 using MSI Afterburner solved the rx 470 reff solved Wattage and Temperature target different in different RX470s
This is a basic overclocking guide for AMD RX 470 480 video cards using MSI Afterburner MSI Afterburner Unigine Heaven rx 470 afterburner settings rx 470 problem with 21 08 2016 Just purchased an MSI 4gb RX 470 When messing around with Afterburner and Radeon Settings it seems that none of the settings I change fan curves rpm power limit etc actually are applied And on top of that Afterburner is now completely blank and MSI RX 470 Gaming Overclock results submitted 2 years ago by flipmatthew HD 7970 1150 1500 Intel X5670 4 2GHz So I spent the last day overclocking my friend s new msi rx 470 and I have to say this thing is a champ
rx 470 overclock23 10 2016 Hi Im looking for an overclock on THIS 1216Mhz card Im new with MSI afterburner and my Core Voltage slider is greyed out can someone help I have got a 1300mhz OC with nothing changed on the core voltage is this bad If any of you have OCed this card can you reply with the exact settings rx 470 afterburner settings MSI RX 470 Gaming Overclock results submitted 2 years ago by flipmatthew HD 7970 1150 1500 Intel X5670 4 2GHz So I spent the last day overclocking my friend s new msi rx 470 and I have to say this thing is a champ 470 4gb 28 mh s helpRX 470 4GB 28 MH s help emperornero Member Posts 29 March 2017 in Mining Title pretty much I m reading as much as I can about bios modding but I can t seem to figure it out I ve gotten my cards to 24 MH s each pretty stable but I don t have a clue where to find the supposed strap settings for the memory to increase the MH s Is there a step by step guide somewhere other than something
rx 470 afterburner settings Gallery
rx 470 4gb claymore dual miner 29 Mhs, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Sapphire Rx 470 8GB Mining Edition Core Voltage Enabled 3, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Sapphire Rx 470 8GB Mining Edition Core Voltage Enabled 4, image source: 1stminingrig.com
index, image source: www.guru3d.com
AsRock H81 PRO BTC R2, image source: 1stminingrig.com
Sapphire RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Samsung Memory Power Draw Stock Clocks, image source: 1stminingrig.com
ht1irCj, image source: forum.ethereum.org
009, image source: www.4gamer.net