rx 470 zcash rate of rx 470 and rx 480 674605 11 2016 Hello guys i want your help in this matter i am mining zcash on nicehash miner and i am getting 16 2 hashrate for single rx 480 and two rx 480 is giving round about 33 but my question is why rx 470 is giving 19 hashrate for zcash and rx 480 is slow than rx 470 rx 470 zcash to view on Bing6 0814 11 2017 Performance Test Radeon RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Ethereum ZCash Nicehash Mining Sapphire AMD Radeon RX 470 8GB Mining Edition Registriere dich bei Hashfl Author Rene WernerViews 4 7K
rx 470 zec 220 hsRadeon RX 470 is currently doing around 25 sol s SAPPHIRE s acclaimed Dual X Cooling is powered by two massive yet silent fans and state of the art radiator design The new form of our 95mm blades means greater airflow and superior heatsink coverage at lower noise compared to standard cooling designs rx 470 zcash ethereumfaq amd rx 570 vs rx 470 vs rx 580 hashrate comparison Which is better for Ethereum mining AMD RX 470 or RX 570 And for fun we have added RX 580 to the mix too I set up three Ethereum mining rigs and the only difference between them was the type of discrete graphics card being used Let us first compare the specifications of these three graphics cards blog tag rx 470 hashrateThe Sapphire NITRO 8GB model of RX 470 is probably the best you can get in terms of mining performance among other RX 470 offerings because it comes with memory clocked at 2000 MHz 8 GHz or with other words the same memory frequency as the reference design RX 480 GPUs
to view on Bing0 4127 11 2016 Mining speeds for my 3 Rx 470 Sapphire Nitro 4gb graphics cards Zcash Miner Claymore s Zcash Miner v8 Speed 205 H s Ethereum Miner Claymore s Dual Ethereum MinerAuthor Daniel KeemViews 5 3K rx 470 zcash blog tag rx 470 hashrateThe Sapphire NITRO 8GB model of RX 470 is probably the best you can get in terms of mining performance among other RX 470 offerings because it comes with memory clocked at 2000 MHz 8 GHz or with other words the same memory frequency as the reference design RX 480 GPUs 470 and 480 speed 597531 10 2016 Hey just wanted to ask if there is anybody who can tell me or proof the hashrate of the following cards RX 470 4GB 23Sol s Buried One Ethereum Video
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