rx vega not detected tomshardware answers id 3560415 vega recognized htmlRx vega 56 not recognized jojojo2810 Nov 6 2017 11 18 AM My specs are i5 4690k Msi z97m Gaming evga supernova g1 750w psu 16gb ram and i have a gtx 970 and a new Vega 56 rx vega not detected Vega not being detected bannable Aug 21 2017 4 35 PM Hello and I have recently purchased the RX Vega 64 When I plugged it in though I noticed that it was not showing up in my devices although the RADEON light was on I then noticed that where you plug the
game won t detect any card that doesn t share any similar configuration statistics to gpu s that were released before Fallout 4 s release or a little afterwards 1000 series vega RX 5xx etc It s nothing new can t fix It just set the game to ultra and adjust on the go rx vega not detected are not running likely due to the lack of work being done by the card Troubleshooting Have used DDU to wipe drivers and reinstall using bothe the 16 8 2 and 16 7 3 drivers as well as using the auto detect to install when it worked though currently it is to detect the 480 gandalph3000 cast xmr cast xmr optimized cryptonight miner 1 performance improvement with current stock driver 18 1 1 for RX Vega 56 64 40 to go to reach Blockchain driver fix for random blocking console output GPU now always logs with its device id not the order they are listed in the G argument
en msi index php topic 295067 0Hi all i got some RX Vega 56 s here and was gonna build a mining rig i do have 5 X Msi Z270 A pro mining with 6 GPU s RX470 RX480 RX580 s etc no issues with the GPU s being detected So the issue seems to be GPU s booting in random order all the pcie slots work and all the risers work rx vega not detected gandalph3000 cast xmr cast xmr optimized cryptonight miner 1 performance improvement with current stock driver 18 1 1 for RX Vega 56 64 40 to go to reach Blockchain driver fix for random blocking console output GPU now always logs with its device id not the order they are listed in the G argument RX Vega Graphics is for extreme gamers looking to run their games at extreme resolutions high framerates challenging settings and who want cutting edge features to carry them into the future
rx vega not detected Gallery
csm_sRGB_935bf429e8, image source: www.notebookcheck.net
1 HX850 icon, image source: www.pcper.com
csm_Blickwinkel_0329f2669c, image source: www.notebookcheck.net
XFX RX 480 GPUZ, image source: videocardz.com
170814 152341, image source: www.pcper.com