ryzen 7 1700 rx 470 to view on Bing9 0729 05 2017 Some gameplay with the Ryzen 7 1700 3 9 GHz with the RX 470 4GB on the Overwatch free weekend System specs AMD Ryzen 7 1700 OCed to 3 9 GHz at 1 38 volts using a Hyper 212 EVOAuthor DesitosViews 785 ryzen 7 1700 rx 470 fact that a RX 470 on Ryzen is 50 faster than the GTX 1060 is very concerning it is concerning but since the gpu is at 95 most all of the time it is not caused by the cpu Especially when on Intel the RX 480 is not nearly as fast compared to a 1060
Radeon RX 470 4GB Video Card When you first buy a reference card you ll hear the fan noise and wish you had gotten an aftermarket solution Then as the months go by you start to become oddly attached to your card and stop minding the noise and high temperatures ryzen 7 1700 rx 470 Part List Price Breakdown By Merchant Overview Component Selection Base Price Promo Shipping Tax Price CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700 3 0GHz 8 Core Processor plane 11 amd ryzen 7 X Plane 11 AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Nvidia GTX 1060 vs AMD RX 470 Gameplay Framerate test
ryzen 7 1700 or another rx 47017 03 2017 OK so I have a pretty serious question I would like to upgrade my PC this summer maybe next summer even though I built it in December 2016 but I simply cannot decide between getting a Ryzen 7 1700 or another Radeon RX 470 Price wise the RX 470 is MUCH cheaper than a brand new motherboard and processor ryzen 7 1700 rx 470 plane 11 amd ryzen 7 X Plane 11 AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Nvidia GTX 1060 vs AMD RX 470 Gameplay Framerate test CPU Ryzen 1700 no overclock present GPU Asus Strix RX 470 4GB as estarkey points out its possible the rx 470 is overloaded with red media vs the 8 cores on the ryzen cpu whats the cpu usage when exporting on the ryzen system
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