rx 570 idle temp radeon rx 580 rx 570 Our RX 400 series cards idled at 0 8v whereas the RX 580 and RX 570 idle at 0 7625v and 0 725v respectively This has a minimal impact on a desktop card especially wall power measurements but rx 570 idle temp relaxedtech reviews amd radeon rx 580 rx 570 215 05 2017 When leaving the computer at complete idle the MSI RX 580 and RX 570 idle at around 32 33 Celsius When playing GTA V on very high ultra settings at 1440p the temperature of the MSI RX 580 and RX 570 jumps to around 67 and 64 Celsius respectively Once I got out of GTA V the temperature of both cards dropped back down to around 34 35 C within a few minutes 9 7 10
s the idle temp on a RX 580 Mine stays at about 45 50 When playing let s say Overwatch on 144fps at medium settings I get 72 75 which is normal but what worries me is that I triggered the Asus power surge protection and got to the BIOS screen rx 570 idle temp safe temperatures for rx 58008 06 2017 Also the RX 580 fans don t spin up during idle load loads It only starts to kick once it reaches a certain temperature limit or when the GPU is being worked e g game It only starts to kick once it reaches a certain temperature limit or when the GPU is being worked e g game idle the core does warm up a little more than the oversized cooling solution on the RX 580 Under load the thermals max out at 75 C when the card is handling the fan control chores and reaches a low 62 C when overclocked and the fan is manually set to 100 Not bad by any account
anyone what the idol temps for the RX 570 are rx 570 idle temp idle the core does warm up a little more than the oversized cooling solution on the RX 580 Under load the thermals max out at 75 C when the card is handling the fan control chores and reaches a low 62 C when overclocked and the fan is manually set to 100 Not bad by any account rx 570 max temp htmlRadeon RX 570 can safely operate at a maximum temperature of The temperature in the table above is the absolute maximum temperature Tmax as a general rule you have to keep your temps 10 15 degrees lower under load and 30 40 degrees lower when system is idle
rx 570 idle temp Gallery
Power Consumption, image source: bjorn3d.com
ASUS_HD7970 DC2T 3GD5_Pic_05, image source: wccftech.com
27b0779ce9ea24ab, image source: www.frazpc.pl
170126SiHP065N60E, image source: www.vishay.com